Why do you purge crawfish with salt water before boiling them?!
Why do you purge crawfish with salt water before boiling them?
It's to force them to discharge the waste inside them. Think about it ... and you will always do it.
so we don't eat their nasty insides, they throw up all the yuck
I dont know why but I do know that I would not eat those nasty looking creatures. We do use them for catfish bait, and the catfish love them.
Because to kill the germs. They sure taste good with some beers.
Well, you eat their tails. What runs down the tails? Yep, the poop line. If it's cleaned out (from salt water, which makes them purge) then you can eat the whole thing and not worry about having to peel the "vein."
This is why you purge lobster or shrimp in fresh water... same theory.
Without being crude it makes them empty their bowls.
I beg to disagree with Sam. I'd use catfish as crawfish bait, not vice versa. Crawfish, lobster, prawns and shrimp are among the best of all seafood.
Aside from cleaning them out, the salt will actually help season them
To force them to clean out their own insides. They have a lot of silt going through them which is not nice to eat.