"dry" measuring cup and "liquid" one?!
"dry" measuring cup and "liquid" one?
is 1 cup of milk the same on a liquid one [where it says 8oz] as it is on a dry measuring cup..?
p.s. this is a dry measuring cup:
liquid measuring cup:
because i only own a dry one and was wondering if this would be effecting my measuraments?
I just measured a "dry" cup into a "liquid" cup as a test, and there was no difference as far as ounces that the cups hold. The differences is because when measuring some dry ingredients you need to have a level cup, and if you note the liquid measuring cup, the marking for one cup is not at the top of the cup, but a little below, so you can't just run a knife over the top and even it off, where the dry one you can.
I hope this helps!
not really any difference... there is one but it is very slight.
They're the same measurement.
its the same thing.
the reason for the dry cups is that you can level the ingredient for more accuracy.
liquid , of course, levels itself.
other wise exactly the same.