Ginger do you refridgerate?!
Ginger do you refridgerate?
I've never used Ginger before. Do I need to refridgerate? How long does it keep?
Yes and No!
If you plan to use fresh ginger frequently you probably won't need to refrigerate, unless you buy way more than you need.
If you peel or cut the ginger you will want to wrap it in plastic film when you are finished with it. Or you can put it in very lightly salted water and cover it.
Fresh ginger has a tendency to dry out and shrivel once you have used some of it, and most recipes only call for a dime sized piece unless you are going to pickle your own.
Good luck.
I usually refrigerate my ginger in a plastic baggie and it has lasted weeks. I figured it's a root but it's also exposed to the elements so if you leave it out I would think it would dry out and lose it's potency.
No, you don't need to refrigerate it. It keeps for a while.
You don't have to refrigerate fresh ginger.
When I buy it, I treat it like onions and garlic...I put it in the pantry.
I figure, if it's not in he refrigerator at the store, why should I put it in one?
Hope this helps,
Nealy Solymar
You can leave it out unwrapped.
If you have a big hand of ginger or you don't really use it that often, you can actually freeze it in a ziploc and use a grater to take off as much as you need each time.
Refrigeration can be iffy. In a ziploc, it will rot. Unwrapped it will dry out faster than leaving on the counter.