How can Kraft make fat free italian salad dressing if....?!
How can Kraft make fat free italian salad dressing if....?
How can italian salad dressing be fat free? Italian salad dressing is mainly oil and vinegar, with some seasonings. How can oil, a pure fat, be fat free?
I don't know, but in any case, I would be more worried about the creamy salad dressings such as Ranch, Blue Cheese etc.
Those are more fatty than the Italian ones, because the creams are all made from pure milk fat.
The Italian dressings are made with olive oil, which is actually a healthy oil that helps boost your good cholesterol.
As with any substitutive type of food product, it means creating the flavor of the original without using the original incredients. Italian dressing is mainly oil and vinegar; fat-free Italian dressing is mainly vinegar and corn syrup.