Can butter cream icing be made by bread butter which is a little bit salty ?!
Can butter cream icing be made by bread butter which is a little bit salty ?
There is no doubt that salt will enhance the flavor of sweets and desserts, however, I think you will find salted butter too salty for butter cream. It is better to use unsalted butter for all baking and then add salt to your taste--you will find you will use less salt than what is added to already salted butter.
.Most definatley.#1 rule in baking and coooking.Salt brings out the flavor in anything.especially sweet my opinion salted butter is better tasting for butter cream icing then non salted.
no i think its unsalted butter
I wouldn't, but that is just maybe my taste.
No the best is unsalted butter and butter only. if you use spreads or magerine the icing will not hold out of the fridge. It will actually melt. Tried it before big no no!!
Also if you do use a salty butter be sure to adjust the sugar quanity accordingly to the receipe or your icing will taste terrible.