Can raw oysters be frozen?!
Can raw oysters be frozen?
I have a gallon of raw oysters that are out of the shell. Can I freeze them? Will they be OK after they are thawed and cooked?
No problem with freezing raw oysters, as long as you cover them with liquid. It's best to freeze them in their own liquid, adding water to cover them completely. If you didn't save the liquid, just plain, cold water will do. Separate them into quart or pint containers. Just make sure the oysters are completely covered in liquid or you will have some freezer burn. When they are cooked, they will be perfectly fine.
Born and raised on coast.
Yes, if you have a freezer.
No they cannot. They will turn to mush. Raw oysters should be kept on ice and eaten as soon as possible for freshness.
Yes you can, but please do it very soon -- if you can, set your freezer to fast-freeze -- and follow the instructions in the URLs I've left for you in 'sources' below. Their storage life will be 3 months max, but it's best to use them up as quickly as is practicable. They will only really be fit for stews, chowders etc afterwards, as the process does de-nature them compared with their fresh eating and cooking qualities.
You can, but they aren't nearly as tasty as fresh, personally I only use fresh or canned... The site below sends out fresh oysters and has their opinion on the matter...
yeah, but they will not taste as fresh. maybe use em for a soup when you defrost. you may want to separate em into smaller containers before freezing the whole gallon all together.
Never freeze unshelled oysters. You can refrigerate freshly-shelled oysters in their own liquor for two days, but use them as quickly as you can.
Go to this link it will tell you more about oyster selection and storage: