I wanna try rat meat?!
I wanna try rat meat?
where can you get rat the pet store?
Why a pet store? Just go down to the sewer and find one there.
first of all gross but u should be able to get a rat at any pet store
at lest i would thing most would have something like that
You must be one hungry SOB.
Yup, that would be the easiest way.
Why don't you get a couple of mouses? There are little white mouses in all the pet stores. Snake owners need them for their snakes. Five or sex white mouses may add up to a small rat. Soak them in teriyaki sauce and grill them, and they probably just taste like grilled teriyaki chicken. yummmm . . .
Notice`uv only`27pts`av the just let ya out`yer Q`shudda`begun`with a`(P)
There was a time (it may still be ongoing) when "waterkonijn" ('water rabbit', i.e. [musk]rat) was 'the next best thing' in restaurants in Flanders (Belgium) in the 1970s and '80s.
I've left an illustrated recipe for you in 'sources' below. Should you manage to find your rat and you'd like a translation of the recipe, give me a shout... :-/
i already tried, you should try it, its good
Ok, that is just gross. But if you want to, you can get rats at any pet store. I would not recommend it.