What is a fixed menu and cycle menu?!
What is a fixed menu and cycle menu?
A fixed menu is exactly what it states, a fixed menu. A cycle menu is a menu that has a six week cycle, eight week cycle, or whatever period the food administrator or executive chef decides on. Normally a cycle menu is used in institutions, such as schools, prisons, hospitals.
Fixed Menu: Menu items are there all year
Cycle Menu: Menu changes seasonally
Fixed menu is a menu that hardly or never changes. These menus are updated however about once every 2 years to update the prices or some recipes.
A cycle menu is a menu that changes every season typically. This type of menu is chosen so that the chef has whatever is in season and easy to find in the current season. In winter a menu may include soups and hearty meals. In spring it will have the salads and such. And in the summer it will have burgers and steaks, stuff like that.
I hope this helps you with whatever you need this information for.