How do you make ave palta?!
How do you make ave palta?
ave palta i aint never heard of...let me buzz my sources...Chilean Sandwiches... Ave Palta - diced chicken meat and mashed avocado ok we have a connection my nizzle how would i make ave palta...well why didnt ye say so? aint the webb cool ok avacodo and chicken salad sammiches?I would right off the top of my head brown some boneless chicken breast and grind it up in a mini processor and add some exotic ingredient like mayo and chili powder and then bust open an avocado and mash it up with a little lemon juice and some salt and pepper and combine the 2 and slather that on a tortilla or some thickazz toasted bread and have a few brews wif it my nizzle...amigo? HOLa JeJeJeJe!
Very carefully....