What's the best wat to smoke baby back ribs?!
What's the best wat to smoke baby back ribs?
light your grill. let your coals turn Grey.push all coals to one side of grill(indirect grilling).put ribs on other side of grill. close vents half way and let the grill do the rest of the work.BE-CARE,you need to keep a close eye on the coals because they can get too hot,if so spray with some water and continue to chill-out.you will have to add coals from time to time,other than that they will take about 3 hrs. to be nice and tender.
First, place the baby on the outdoor grill ....
roll them up in a giant zigzag and spark up!
roll them in tip tops
in a pipe, the bar-b-que sauce makes a mess out of papers...
Ooooo . . . you guys got here all ready with proper answers . . . drat!
i say the chinese boneless pork spare ribs the bomb
but broil then smoke all day long or just smoke all day long in sauce