What is the difference between porridge and oatmeal in the USA?!
What is the difference between porridge and oatmeal in the USA?
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1 month ago
Ummm ... porridge does exist outside of nursery rhymes. Sheesh ...
1 month ago
Ummm ... porridge does exist outside of nursery rhymes. Sheesh ...
Porridge is any cooked grain, (like grits, or corn meal mush, or farina, etc.) or dried split peas (remember "pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold?"), while oatmeal is the oat version of porridge. Gruel is the same as porridge, but very thin and watery and is usually drank rather than eaten.
40+years of cooking and baking
I've only heard of porridge in nursery rimes.
We consider what we eat for breakfest, oatmeal. While we consider what the English eat for breakfast porridge.
I think porridge is refined oatmeal ?
i think porridge is made from oatmeal and oatmeal is just hot grained cereal.
that's a good question...