How to make cornstarch?!
How to make cornstarch?
is cornstarch a product on it's own? or can i make it by mixing cornflour with water? if i can mix water with cornflour, can someone please let me know the ratio of each.
because i have alot of cornflour at home and i'm too lazy to hunt for cornstarch in the shops.
It's a lot easier to get cornstarch in the Cans.
I don't know about making cornstarch.. I assume it's like making cream of wheat except you dry it out afterwards but I could be wrong!. Cornflour can be used for many things from cereal to Veggie burgers! I often make golden nuggets using corn flour and pancake batter!. U can make a pancake batter using corn flour. Corn flour is one of the most versalite flours next to All purpose flour! Most spots that call for all purpose flour you can use cornflour instead! I'm always running short of cornflour!
Cornstarch is different than cornflour, and you don't have to "hunt" for it in grocery's kind of a basic pantry item.