Broiling steaks & the fire alarm?!
Broiling steaks & the fire alarm?
No matter what the cut or size of the steak, every time I cook them in my electric oven using the broiler, the smoke alarm goes off before the steak is even slightly done and it drives me nuts. I've taken the smoke alarm down to finish cooking them, but then I forget to put it back up sometimes and besides, I'd like to be able to cook them without having to do that all the time. Am I doing something wrong when I'm cooking them, and can anyone recommend any tips or methods to keep this from happening?
You have 2 problems, depending on how you look at it. Having the smoke alarm go off means it is sensitive and it is working, which is a good thing, though inconvenient. On the other hand, I think you are broiling too close to the element, which burns the surface before the insides are done. This is the same thing which happens on a grill too close to the coals. Try lowering the shelf, which is like raising a grill above the coals. Put up with the inconvenience of the smoke alarm. It is a small price to pay if it means saving your life one day...
You must have the oven set on high temperature! keep it low it will take more time but you will avoid the beeps, and you'll get a juicy steak instead of burnt out.
Another way you can try frying them in a pan on low temperature.
First, I would make sure the oven is clean of any old caked on grease etc.
If there is an exhaust fan over the oven/stove, turn it on high.
Open all the windows and doors.
Use a portable fan, and blow it downwind - away from the smoke detector.
Position the broiler pan to the lowest groove.
Good luck. Hope that helps.
Me too. If I broil or roast mine goes off too. I just run over and pull it down. At least it works.