How do you dry blueberries?!
How do you dry blueberries?
I love dried blueberries, but they are really expensive. I have bought a blueberry plant. Is it possible for me to dry the fruit at home or is it done in a high twech fandangled way ?
Answers: Drying berries is an easy process. Just spread a single layer of berries on a number of baking sheets and put them in a sunny spot for 4 or 5 days, or bake them in a very low oven(150 degrees) for 4 or 5 hours. Berries fully dried will keep indefinitely in a plastic bag or glass jar. Why would you want to?
this will help 2 ways: 1) a couple of days in hot sunshine. ( not happening in the UK)
2) Set your oven on a very low heat 85 - 90c put them on a grease proof tray and leave in oven for 2 to 3 hours. ( check them frequently and take out when desired dryness is reached.