My friend (who happens to be very old) gave me a home-canned-jar marked, "pickled chicken penis' ~ June, 1962!
My friend (who happens to be very old) gave me a home-canned-jar marked, "pickled chicken penis' ~ June, 1962
Are they still okay to eat? I'd like to serve them as hor'derves at a little get together but don't want people to get sick. Also, I was thinking to serve them on Triskets with maybe mustard?
Any suggestions?
first of all - chickens have a penis - second of all - canning has not changed since 1962 - pickling is pickling - canning is canning - so the "preservatives" (which is actually the act of canning in the first place) have not changed since 1962.
and no - i would not eat them - not only because they are too old and canned things do expire, but also because they are what they are.. lol.