Boiling sausages in beer?!
Boiling sausages in beer?
Has anyone tried it?
What about before grilling them?
1 day ago
what about with chorizo anyone tried that?
1 day ago
what about whiskey and water? anyone tried that?
5 hours ago
Joshua B- if watered down and brought to a boil, the alcohol should evaporate quickly.
Ah, we do this often! Glad you asked. We will take a mild, light beer and saute the sausages in two pan has the beer and Bill's regular meat sausages and one pan has the beer and my vegan sausages! Often I will add 1/2 a bay leaf to each of our pans with sausages...this adds a nice depth to the sausages.
Often we will marinade our sausages in light, mild beer 24 hours before grilling them. The beer marinade adds a lovely aroma and tang to the grilled great on any meat and any vegan/vegetarian sausages.
Enjoy and bon appetit!