What is ment by the letters lol or LOL that I see so often?!
What is ment by the letters lol or LOL that I see so often?
I'm just a dumb old country boy with a bachelor degree in baking science and a masters degree in chemistry But am illiterate
in in the siber space slang in fact i'm dumb as a rock. Can some one help me?
Thanks to those who try. jim b
LOL means Laugh Out Loud
BRB means Be Right Back
TTfN means Taa Taa for Now
TC means Take Care
LMAO means Laughing My A@@ Off
BBL means Be Back Later
Hope that helps ya a little bit with chat jargon.
O yeah, and JK means Just Kidding
There are lots more but those are the most popular ones for the most part.