Red Onions Turning Blue When Cooking? Why?!
Red Onions Turning Blue When Cooking? Why?
I put together a recipe I found on the internet for Broccoli and Garlic. I had to put butter and oil in a pan. Then I added the Red Onions and Garlic and Lemon Juice. When I began to sauté, theh onions began to turn BLUE!! Was somethign mouldy? Is this a natural reaction? What do you think?
Dont worry. You have 3 elements to consider here, chemichally speaking: SULPHURS (in the onion) + ACID (lemmon in this case) + FAT ACIDS (in the butter and oil). Sulphurs are those substances that give the characteristic smell to onions, for instance those white onions that make you cry... thats because of the high sulphur content.
They can only affect color not texture or flavor. So never mind and go ahead. It is perfectly safe to eat them.