What are some healthy dinners I can make ahead of time and freeze?!
What are some healthy dinners I can make ahead of time and freeze?
My husband and I are both teachers and both very much on the go. He's a high school band director; I'm an English teacher and I work part time at a pet store (It's fun and with the new home we just purchased we need the extra cash). I'm also a percussion instructor on his marching band staff. There are going to be many nights in the fall when I'm not going to be around at "dinnertime" and my husband is not much of a cook and not very good at making healthy food choices. I'm a very good cook, so what I'd like to do is make a few healthy dinners that I can freeze and write idiot-proof instructions on so that my husband won't either clog his arteries or starve when I'm not home for dinner. I know my way around the kitchen so feel free to get complicated on my end of the deal--the thawing/serving part should be easy for my husband's sake, however.
Additional Details1 day ago
I considered crock pot meals, but what I really want are meals I can make days or weeks in advance. I'll never have time in the morning to prepare a meal and the night before I'll either have work or band until 10pm. Sundays are my "getting stuff done" days.
Hi, just wnat to help you fgure out some dinners to make and freeze. You can make lasagne, various soups, spagehtti, hamburgers, things that are basically quick and easy. But be careful not to leave some things in th freezer to long, because some things will not keep as long as other things will. And also, watch out for freezer burn that is not a good thing at all. It can cause harmful bacteria to get in your food, and you don't want that at all. Hope this helps, and good luck.