My b/f and I are going to picnic at the lake this weekend. I am frying chicken but not sure what else to?!
My b/f and I are going to picnic at the lake this weekend. I am frying chicken but not sure what else to?
pack. Your ideas/suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help. We are taking the bike out to the lake and having a picnic.
Okay - bicycling out or motorcycling out means you'll have to keep your materials to a minimum.
... blanket to sit on... drinks for the trip & the picnic... sunscreen... bug repellent... some fruit as a snack or desset(dried fruit also works well - tasty & smaller packaging) ... maybe pack a some starches (bread rolls, mac-n-cheese / mac-salad, potato salad, etc) into a tupperwear container. If you have any foods which require plates or utensils - bring those along. Not to mention some napkins or wet-wipes to clean yourselves up afterward.