How to make microwaved mini brownies?HELP!?!
How to make microwaved mini brownies?HELP!?
Hey! How do i make a mini brownies?
small brownie.
please give me the right recipe for a small brownie.
i do not want to make a big ONE!
thin and small.
I do not have baking powder but plane flour.
and vanilla.
NO TIME TO got to the supermarket.
but can i skip vanilla?
I think i can ask for vanilla in my neighbor.
Pls help me!
And i do not have oven! MICROWAVE only.
Microwave Brownies in 5 Minutes
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup cocoa
1. Cream sugar and butter together.
2. Add eggs and vanilla, mix well.
3. Stir flour and cocoa together, then add into egg mixture.
4. Mix well.
5. Grease a GLASS pie pan and then coat with sugar.
6. Pour brownie mixture into sugared pie pan.
7. Microwave 4&1/2- 5 minutes.
8. Let sit until cool.
Good luck!I think this is a delicious recipe cause if u see on the net it has 5 stars from 19 people