Should children be allowed to opt out of eating food mom has prepared if they don't like it?!
Should children be allowed to opt out of eating food mom has prepared if they don't like it?
I mean, on a REGULAR basis, not just one or two meals once in a while.
Additional Details23 hours ago
I think parents are letting kids put the emphasis on whether or not the food is good them. The emphasis should be on the parents teaching the kids to appreciate the food and effort put into it.
Me being a mom, I will cook, and if they don't like it they don't eat. And NO they can not have anything else. If you make other food for one, than the others want the same treatment. That is if you have more than one child. Then if it is one you keep doing so, that child will always want something different then what your eating, Even if it is something good, and they don't like the looks of it, they won't eat it. I say eat or go hungry. No they will not starve. If they are truly hungry they will eat what you made.