Quick to fix snacks; recipe please?!
Quick to fix snacks; recipe please?
I would like a tried & true recipe (or two) for an easy to make snack that is also yummy. If it travels well, that would be a big help. Thanks a lot.
- Peanuts and raisins mixed together (the peanuts are protein and slows down the sugar from the raisins from raising your blood sugar)
- Celery sticks filled with either cream cheese or peanut butter
- Apple sliced and put back together, wrapped in saran - keeps it from browning.
- Carrot and celery slices with a little packet of Ranch Dressing (can pick up an extra at your local takeout)
- Orange sliced and put back together - wrapped in saran
- tupperware container with chopped fruit in it with a little fruit dip made with marshmallow creme, cream cheese and vanilla. Put on top of the fruit.