how do you make spaghetti sauce out of real tomatoes. i know you cook them down somehow.and then add your spices. is that all you do? do you boil them with the skins on or peel them first? plz help, i have alot of tomatoes that will go bad if i dont use them soon.
Do you want it chunky? Then you have to peel the tomatoes. If you want it not chunky you cut up the tomatoes cook them with carrots, onions garlic,celery till they are all tender and run them through a collendar and cook that with all the spices until it is as thick as you want it. You do the same with the peeled chunks. While you are doing this you need a BIG TAll kettle filled 3/4 full of water, put a lid on and bring to a boil. When you have it cooked to the thickness that you want it you are ready to can. Wash your jars, bring a pan of water to a boil, about 2 inches of water, tip your jars upside down in the water and boil for 2 min. Take out of water and will with boiling tomatoe mixture right up to the place where the rim is. Wipe off with a paper towel to make sure it is clean. Oh you need to boil the lids and rings too. When you have that done put the lids and rings on the jars as tigth as you can. Now put them in the boiling water making sure the jars don't touch. Put the lid on and when it starts to boil time it for 15 min. Then take the jars carefully out of the water and set on a towel. As they cool you will hear a popping noise this is the jars sealing. When they are cooled down press on the top they should not "click". Take the rings off and you have canned your sauce! If they don't seal just put in frig and use within the next 2 week. Have fun! P.S. When you are cooking the tomatoes with all the spices cook it slow 4-5 hours stirring occasionally. This makes it more flavorful.