How do you clean live crabs?!
How do you clean live crabs?
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1 day ago
actually , to just dump the crab in a pot of boiling water. I dunno that you should open the shell and get rid of the innards until i was advised by a friend. She told me to get an ice pick and stab the crab at the triangle side> Then open it , wash and remove the innards. But the difference is much of the taste is gone. Dumping in boiling water is more tastier.
Wear rubber gloves to begin with. If you are talking about blue claws, peel back the thing (don't know the name of it) on the bottom. It is narrow on males, triangular on females, then as you pull back, lift up and now the shell will be gone. Clean out the organs next, you may want to rinse them off to get rid of the poo too. Then throw them in the pot to steam them, or put them in the freezer immdiately, till you are ready to use them. You don't want them to spoil.