Is it ok to freeze chili?!
Is it ok to freeze chili?
I am making a big crock pot of chili and I'm wanting to freeze the leftovers. Is this safe? How long will it keep? And are there certain preparation steps I need to follow? Any advise will be greatly appreciated.. Thanks in advance!
Additional Details5 hours ago
Thank you so much....I'm not much of I don't know these things
It will keep for ages & its simple.
Put it into the portion sizes that you will use next time.
I.E. One serve, two serves or family serve.
Heres the trick.
Before freezing leave & let the containers cool to room temperature.
Then put in the freezer.
A. Your containers won't buckle.
B. They won't seap out.
C. You won't get freezer burn.
Enjoy your Chilli.