Taco or tackos or tomato or tohmata?!
Taco or tackos or tomato or tohmata?
Answers: The question behind the question is "who am I".
How do you say "taco" in english? tah-kow
How do you say "burrito" in english? buhr-ee-tow
How do you say those words in their original languages?
taco = dako
burito = budr-ee toh
If you are a native english speaker you think taco bell is mexican food. If you are a native spanish speaker you think taco bell is to mexican food what mcdonalds is to steak.
Same processing paradigm applies to tomatoes. the former for both Tamales and Enchiladas Mmmmmmm......! I say "tah-coes" and "tow-may-tow" :-) I'm from Texas originally, and that's the way the Hispanic folks there say the words, and I figure they know! taco and tomato :) tomato yum =) Taco and tomato, as well as potato.