Too many tomatos!!?!
Too many tomatos!!?
I need some way to save all my tomatos!! I love them and put myself on one too many "yes I would love some of your homegrown tomato lists:. Problem is too, my mother in law who gave me the most was kind enough to wrap them all in paper and they are all ripe at the same..
I need some good freezable tomato recepie ideas....I suppose the best would be a simple stew/paste/sauce type thing that could have many later uses...
Got any good ones? I just can't have another meal of tomato sandwiches and tomato salad with tomato slices on the side!!! Lol. Additional Details
18 hours ago
Well...yah...I wanna stew them or make a sauce...but how do I do it.???
Answers: 18 hours ago
Well...yah...I wanna stew them or make a sauce...but how do I do it.??? Why don't you just stew them or make a sauce, without seasoning, freeze it, and later when you need it, you would have the base; add your seasonings for whatever you are making. If you always use a certain ingredient, like garlic, add it now, but anything else add after defrosting. Therefore your not limited later on.
To stew them just cut them up, peeled and/or seeded if you want. Put them in a large pan and add just a little bit of water and cook on medium low temp. Watch closely and if needed add more water. To make a sauce put them in a blender or food processor.
Hint: Use broth instead of water for more flavor. I personally never use water. What about tomato soup? That seems like it'll freeze pretty well. Hello:
Tomato Sauce
Tomato Soup
Tomato Paste
Tomato Juice salsa Well, tomato juice with some ginger added one of my favourites. Can be frozen.
Tomatoes, where I live cost $10 a kilo. Make some Salsa....always good for parties. chopped tomatos and hot or mild peppers...a little onion mix it up good. Best the next day or day after...when the pepper and onion spices have had a chance to soak into the tomato bits. You can make any homemade sauce or chili with the cut up tomatoes and put them in freezer bags (after it cools) or freezer containers for later use. You can make fresh spaghetti sauce and freeze it. Google it. or go to for some recipes, they have thousands on that sight.