Can you freeze bacalao?!
Answers: If so, how do you got about cooking it. I am looking for a good typical puerto rican/dominican way of making it.
No - do not freeze it.
1. Take a look at the sight below. You don't have to use stockfish you can use bacalao instead. I've made this dish quite a few times and can assure you that you will be the talk of the town.
As for the way the PR's cook with it.... soak for 24 hours or longer changing the water every 4 or 5 hours. I actually cut it into the same sized chunks I'm going to cook with when i soak it. I feel that you'll get the salt out faster this way anyway.
Here - buit skip the egg:
2. this is good.
There are many sites that will give you the recipie... I'm sorry not to have the time to give it to you. The basic thing is the sofrito in all of this. Get that right and everything else will fall in place.
you don't freeze it, it will loose taste, you sour it (leave it in salt for a few days)
puerto rico and dominica aren't so big bacalhau fans, try to go for a brazilian or a portuguese recipie, those are the big eaters of bacalhau
I wouldn't reccomend freezing it.
Try a Mexican recipe. We eat it a lot arount Christmas, google might have something.