How do you shred coconut?!
Answers: Bought a real coconut at the store, and have no idea how to turn this into shredded coconut for a cake.. :) HELP! Thanks to all in advance.
Cracking open a coconut can be tricky business. Whether you use a hammer, an ice pick, or a cleaver, once you've mastered opening and shredding a coconut, you'll be able to make pie fillings, batters, desserts, appetizers and even coconut milk from scratch.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Things You'll Need
Ice pick or meat cleaver
Paring knife or swivel-bladed peeler
Knife or screwdriver
Blender or food processor
Step One - Open the coconut by puncturing the eyes with an ice pick or using the blunt end of a cleaver. You can also try banging on it with a hammer, but a cleaver is your quickest, easiest bet.
Step Two - Peel off the brown skin from the coconut with a swivel-bladed peeler or a paring knife.
Step Three - Remove the white flesh from the two halves of the coconut. You can pry out the meat with a knife or screwdriver.
Step Four - Break the meat into the smallest pieces you can using your knife.
Step Five - Place the pieces of coconut in a blender or food processor to shred. You can also add coconut milk. Some recipes will call for another liquid.
Tips & Warnings
If you are having trouble opening the coconut, try putting the coconut into the oven at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes. Allow it to cool and then hit the center line all around the coconut with the blunt end of a cleaver. The shell should almost spring apart.
Some people like to drain the liquid from the coconut before cracking it all of the way open.
Remember, always use the BLUNT side of the meat cleaver to crack open the coconut.
Shred it like you shred cheese.
use a grater or food processer
just crack open the coconut then take off the hard part (the outermost layer) then cut it into reasonable peaces . then shed it with a shreder... i guess.