Caramel Apple toppings suggestions??!
Answers: While the caramel is still warm, roll in chopped peanuts or pecans or coconut (you can tint the coconut with a little food coloring in water - sprinkle it on the coconut, then spread it out to dry on paper towels) or chopped Heath (toffee) bars. Or after the caramel is pretty well set, spoon some melted chocolate (dark, milk or white or a combination) over them.
crushed nuts, colorful cookie sprinkles, mini chocolate chips, dried coconut, any kind of small candies. Just a few that come to mind.
chocolate chunks or m&ms or skittles
Crushed nuts.
Chocolate Sprinkles
Nuts are a classic
Cut up gum balls
Toffee Pieces. I tried this and fainted. Muy Delicioso
I like mine with carmel and nuts. However, me and my friend went all out one time and put like marshmallows and stuff on ours. I swear it was like one big cavity on a stick. You can put almost anything on there that is candy like, but plain carmel and nuts is my favorite.
Nuts, small chocolate candies or chopped up candy bars...
mmmm... crushed pistachio nuts to be precise, they would taste good on a caramel apple.
Sprinkles, chocolate, whipped cream.
toffee chunks, sliced almonds, crushed walnuts. Mmmm.