I have chicken (frozen) in the freezer?!
Answers: its dated 10/4/07... is it still ok to cook and eat? its doesnt smell or look weird
usually when you buy chicken it says eat or freeze by this date. if it was frozen before 10/4 your fine.
Yes, that is probably the sell by date.
Yes it can be OK to eat it.
Meat is MURDER.
yes...it still can be eaten
its fine. but you should thaw and cook it soon, dont thaw and let it set in refridgeerator.
A curry dish will be a good method to cook a not so fresh meat. Or anything that use a lot of spices, This will get rid of the smell and enhance the taste too.
KG 22 is right....as long as it was frozen by that date you are fine. If it is covered with a bunch of ice crystals and looks dried out on the ends it's freezer burnt and won't taste very good. If it looks like chicken, smells like chicken, and tastes like chicken.....it's probably good chicken! :)