Is it me or is nigella lawson the most annoying twat ever.?!
Answers: She's just plain annoying to me, lol. She seems to do only comfort food and all that finger licking gets on my nerves, also all that loose hair and what she wears...yuk!!! not the most hygienics of cooks I have to say.
No, Its you
Surely she's not as annoying as Ainsley "sodding" Harriet or Jamie "W@nker" Oliver
It's you - she is cool.
You've never seen Anthony Worral-Thomas, then? A more annoying man I've never seen, more annoying even than a Jamie Oliver and Boris Johnson clone....
definitley not you its from her dads side
omg! i know! just talk normally, and stop acting like she is SO much better than everyone because she apparently can cook. JUST GO AWAY!
I have to say it is you because you don't have the sense of appreciation of good things in life.
She can be annoying sometimes, but I don't mind her really. She can get a bit over descriptive at times "...tumble the pasta in..." rather than simply put the pasta in a bowl, etc....
But she sees likable enough. You could just change the channel.
I like her programme and her appetite.
im afraid so!
Its you
I wouldn't actually use that word you used, but I find her exceedingly irritating, it is about the only cooking program I won't watch, I really like cooking programs but she makes me want to scream!!!
If she really ate everything she says she makes, she would be obese. Also i dont like the finger licking and hair molting everywhere. There is nothin worse than a hair in your pea soup. Those are my pet peeves with Nigella - silver spoon in my cakehole - Lawson. But they are miniscule compared with Jamie - spit in your salad - Oliver. He takes the most annoying trophy to new levels.
She can't cook either!!!!
No, I feel the same way. If she really thinks she is sexy then she is deluded. her flirty looks and moves put me off, wonder what she thinks she can gain by that? Pity her husband.
i agree please get this awful person off our screens