Whip is hard and crusty?!
Answers: My whip got hard and crusty, how can I make it soft again?
depends on which whip you're referring too. if you're talking about the kind you put on deserts or the kind known as mayonnaise, i'd throw it out and get a new container.
if you're referring to the kind you do kinky stuff with, i'd say get some leather cleaner and oil.
Beat it
what is the whip for
Oh my! I don't think I'll go there.
I like my pie crust hard and crusty.
I assume it's made from leather. So, you'd need a leather balm for it and coat it well, hang dry somewhere and re-coat. Once the leather is soft, try to clean it if it's dirty and re-coat with balm... I'm afraid to ask why you own a whip? and does it come with a chair?
It just needs a new coat...
If you didn't mean whipped cream, then why did you ask *here*?
. . . beat it, just beat it . . .