Can anyone tell me!! the 5 baking techniques????!
Answers: Help me!! please!!!
I found this on Wikipedia:
Mixing, kneading, rising, baking, and cooling.
I found this on Google:
Baking 101
For successful baking, always remember these five tips:
1. Always read through the recipe before you start to make sure you have all the necessary ingredients and utensils. Set all ingredients on the counter.
2. Prepare any ingredients needing special handling first, such as softening butter or cream cheese, melting chocolate, toasting or chopping nuts, grating lemon peel or peeling and chopping fruits.
3. Properly measure all ingredients. Use dry measuring cups for dry ingredients and clear plastic or glass measuring cups for liquid ingredients.
4. Try not to substitute ingredients. Follow the recipe exactly for best results.
5. Always preheat your oven 10 to 15 minutes before baking.
I hope one of them is what you're looking for!
Five tech. for what??? Please explain further
Not sure if this is what you are looking for...
1) Read your recipe first and make sure you have all ingredients and baking utensils & pans. It's a good idea to set out your ingredients before starting.
2) Prepare any ingredients that need special handling first, ie softening butter or cream cheese, toasting or chopping nuts, melting chocolate or peeling or chopping fruits.
3) Properly measure all ingredients.
4) Don't substitute ingredients. If the recipe calls for butter, don't use margarine.
5) Always pre-heat your oven before baking.
No, he's talking about these:
The Creaming method
The Muffin Method
The Straight Dough Method
The Bisquit Method
The Egg Foam Method