What is the ingredients of HUMMBLE-PIE,,??!
Answers: Main ingredient is humility, topped with apology and laced with apology
Brown stuff
It generally starts with FOOT IN MOUTH, Throw in some LOOK LIKE AN A**, throw in a couple sprinkles of GUILT and let simmer over a day or two..
None too sure, but it tastes terrible !
ur guilt
humble kush
It includes crow and a little modesty
dunno never tasted it hahaha
From Wikipedia:
"The expression derives from umble pie, which was a pie filled with liver, heart and other offal, especially of cow but often deer. Umble evolved from numble, (after the French nomble) meaning 'deer's innards'.[1][2] Umbles were considered inferior food, in medieval times the pie was often served to lower-class people."
Modern recipe (somewhat more tasty-sounding)
Humility, don't reckon much to that personally, but each to her/his own
prefer hairy pie