Do I need to take the turkey out of its wrapper while it's thawing?!
Answers: Nope, levae it in. And put it in a big bowl or on a platter, in case it leaks as it thaws.
No leave it wrapped til you are ready to cook it.
NO - but make sure you defrost in the frig - not on the counter!
nope but don't put it out on the counter or in the sink be sure to put it in the refidgerator..'s fine in the wrapper until you're ready to prepare it for cooking.
Nope, not until you are ready to season it just leave it on the refrigerator make sure you put it on something like a Tupperware so wen it drips water it wont be messy.
Best if you don't!
Wrappers are very tough, don't let germs and bacteria get in and doesn't let turkey juice out!
A thawed turkey will not go bad for 6 or 7 days when wrapped; unwrapped, just 3 or 4 days.
The same for chickens!