Red wine........................!
and is it true that it gives you a black toungue ?
Answers: is it true that red wine is good for digestion ?
and is it true that it gives you a black toungue ?
I have no idea but I'm shi----ting out my entire turkey dinner and I think my tongue has lost circulation.
I don't know about digestion, but in moderation wine is supposed to be good for preventing heart disease - drinking too much of course can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and alcoholism.
As for black tongue - I don't know about that but if we have a bit of a binge my OH gets dark purple lips :o)
A moderate amount of red wine will aid in digestion, and relaxes everything else. Red wine will stain pretty much everything but if your tongue is black its because the wine is sticking to plaque! Brush your teeth / tongue!!