I rly want to no what do u perfer hostess cupcakes or twinkies?!
Answers: just wondering
But I do love Ho-ho's too!
I like all my snack cakes.
Twinkie -- he's a Maine Coon mix
Cupcake -- he's a Turkish Van mix
Ding Dong - he's a black and white domestic shorthair
Those are my cats.
Hostess cupcakes
Both are goooooddd!!!!!!!
i haven't had twinkies in a while and cupcakes are more popular. go with the cupcakes.
Hostess cupcakes
Twinkies, the frosting on the cupcakes stick t my teeth somthing horrible.
ding dongs!!
Cupcakes all the way...Twinkies are nasty and taste like styrofoam steeped in saline.