What are some good (funny) male stripper names?!
First name and last name needed. (Yes I understand this is an odd Yahoo question, but I have seen other people ask it for women stripper names)
Answers: And no this is not for me. This is for a contest between some people I know online, trying to come up with the best=most funny male stripper name we can, and we are allowed to use internet sources.
First name and last name needed. (Yes I understand this is an odd Yahoo question, but I have seen other people ask it for women stripper names)
Jack Hammer
Teddy Bear Jones
Hot Chocolate
Bullwhip Bob
Backdoor Barney
Black Lavender
The Long Dong Ranger
-Danny Dangler
-Dick Dangler
-Smiley Rod
-Harley Hangin'
-Joe Nadds from Cocano
- Hung Jury
-Smiley Weiner
-Droopy Dick
Recently at work they got this thing going about porn names, you could apply it to your stripper names as well I figure. You take the persons name of the first pet they can remember having example Marky. Then you take the persons first street name they lived on example Davis. Your name is Marky Davis.