Will you be roasting your chestnuts by the fire?!

Question: No Way ! they are like eating warm BARK!

Answers: No Way ! they are like eating warm BARK!

No way. I like my nuts the way they are.

Plus I have radiators and they wouldn't roast anything.

No, tried them last week, they're minging.

for a start no it would make my eyes water and secondly i have an electric fire

Yes freshly gathered, well wrapped in foil and roasted in the coals till cooked and then very much enjoyed by us, as much a part of Christmas as mistletoe and plum duff!

god I hope not

nope, they are disgusting

I don't own chestnuts and I never use my fireplace(or at least my father won't), so that's a no.

no its kinda hard to do that without a fire

I don't think so i don't like the smell of singed hair plus the pain would be unbearable

No but I like to lift my shirt and warm my ar*e

no but im roasting my nuts by the fire trying to get warm

Nope, on a cookie sheet in the oven. Easy, nothing to clean. All you do is cut an "X" in the flat side, place them "X" down, and bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Done. Serve them with a nice sherry or a vermouth. I like the French Kiss, equal parts dry and sweet vermouth; and scrummy with roast chestnuts.

No...we usually microwave ours haha... they are good that way though!


Hell no! LOL. First of all, Im in Florida. The only time I have a fire is when a hurricane knocks out all of the power and I need to light a candle. And, in that case, I made smores LOL. Good luck!

Will have two find female that likes hot nuts then i will, merry Xmas's

In a pan on the stove.

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