How would I throw a dinner party in honor of ME, Kenny?!

Question: My birthday isn't until April, it's not for that. What I want to do is throw a dinner party which will show, ne, >remind< my friends how wonderul I am. What should I serve? How should I decorate? What is an appropriate garnish?

Answers: My birthday isn't until April, it's not for that. What I want to do is throw a dinner party which will show, ne, >remind< my friends how wonderul I am. What should I serve? How should I decorate? What is an appropriate garnish?

YES. This is a great idea, I throw parties in honor of myself regularly. Everyone knows my superiority and so are accustomed to paying me homage.
If this is your first one, expect a few people to balk (translate: be jealous).
1) The first thing you must do is make it absolutely clear that this is a party in honor of YOU and nothing else. You do this with the invitations.
2) They should show a photo of you, perhaps wearing a crown and holding a scepter. This is a forceful visual demonstration that cannot be shrugged off easily.
3) And then, the wording is important. It should say something like: COME CELEBRATE MY GREATNESS, or Bask in the glory of Kenny on an enchanted evening in Kennydom. Bring gifts. Or something similar, you get the idea.
4) Plan on serving Kenny foods. Anything that you like and are known for liking. DO NOT TRY TO PUT OUT FOOD YOU THINK YOUR GUESTS WILL LIKE. This will only confuse them.
5) Re-name your foods, examples, finger sandwiches are now Kenny-Finger Sandwiches, Brie is now Kenny-Brie, caviar is now Kenny-Roe, etc.
6) ABSOLUTELY have a cake made in your likeness, similar to the one that Data dreamed of when he dreamed Councilor Troy was a mint cake. (If you are not familiar with this episode then I pity you, and therefor, just have a cake built to look JUST like you).
7)Decorations should be done in your favorite colors and there should be balloons and photos and posters of you up everywhere and at least one banner saying, Everyone Loves Kenny, Kenny is #1, Kenny tolerates those who are less, Kenny accepts you all under his bountiful tolerance, etc.
8) Garnish is not necessary, what is much more important is having a special seat of honor for you and a special place close by for all of the gifts you will receive.
9) Even though this is your party, try and remember that you are the guest of honor and as such are not really required to do the drudge work. Have some of your minions do this for you. That is what I do. They are happy just to be close to me and are thrilled with the opportunity to serve me thusly.

EDIT: I can't believe that I left out a crucial part to your evenings enjoyment.
1) Everyone should address you as Your Excellency, Oh Great One, Light Of All, or even Your Highness; if you want to be pedestrian.
2) AND, everyone should bow backwards out of a room in which you are situated. No one should ever show you their back.
3) Think about having a small room set up as a temporary prison for those who commit treason and/or displease you.

umm look it up on google and just get lots of food and music and maybe like a game of pool or something. And that sounds like you need some new friends if your not sure if they like you.

Pasta and salad with garlic bread and don't forget the wine and ice cream for dessert.A few balloons tied to the chairs is nice and candlelight adds atmosphere.

Kenny stop being arrogant first of all you haven't earned anything in your friends eyes, and if you go on with this party your friends will talk behind your back so don't do it, let someone else do that for you.

Sounds like you should serve "humble pie". Your friends would think it more wonderful of you to throw a party reminding them how wonderful you think THEY are. Then they will respond by recognizing your "wonderfulness".

Edit: I didn't mean for this to sound unkind but as I read it back it kind of does. I just wanted to say nicely - "rethink your focus" :-)

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