How to throw a great birthday party ?!

Question: My husband is turning 30 on Feb 6th. I want to have the party at our 900sq ft house( it has a 800 sq ft semi-finished basement). Any great ideas on how to throw a successful surprise party w/o spoiling it. I hosted my own wedding rehearsal dinner and it didn't go to well in my eyes. Any tips from anyone on making this party a success?

Answers: My husband is turning 30 on Feb 6th. I want to have the party at our 900sq ft house( it has a 800 sq ft semi-finished basement). Any great ideas on how to throw a successful surprise party w/o spoiling it. I hosted my own wedding rehearsal dinner and it didn't go to well in my eyes. Any tips from anyone on making this party a success?

will be kind of hard throwing the party at your house for your husband- you'll have to make sure hes out of the house pretty much the whole day in order to clean and decorate and make all the food without him knowing. for added surprise maybe do the party the week after his birthday so he won't suspect anything! you may have to go to a friend or relatives house to make all the food and store it over there, maybe plan to take your husband to dinner that night and have someone at the house to let people in, have them all park around the block, hide in the basement, then when you get home everyone is there!!!! maybe your helper can decorate for you also when you're at dinner.
just have good snacks, lots to drink, good music on, maybe some games....those are all the necessities for a great party!!! oh, and fun people!!!!!

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