Im having an 80's themed surprise party for my daughter's 18th B-day. Any ideas?!
If it's an all girls party, they have beauty night. That means scads of glittery makeup, mousse, and hair gell! (Did I mention the mousse?) Have a contest to see which girl can get the best "big hair."
Hit a thrift shop and see if you can come up with some 80's styles...the girls can have fun putting on wild clothes to see who can be the best 80's girl!
And like, oh my God, like you cannot forget, lik ValSpeak, like can you? As if! Like all the girls could be like so way cool, if they like learned to speak ValSpeak! They would be so totally Betty!
Ya, they could like all veg out with some munchies, and listen to some great music....that would be so tubular!
After they've scarfed the munchies, dude, you could like take a video of them lookin all Betty...that would be so classic!
You'd be like havin the best Fiesta ever! Fer sure!
Only problem is once you teach them ValSpeak their parents are going to like go postal! Oh well, they can spaz.
(Can you perhaps tell at this point I grew up in the 80's? ~lol~)
They could also make their own headbands, so they could be really cool.
Of course you should also have a rubiks cube contest...remember how big they were back in the 80's?
If you have a video game machine, you could always buy a "classic, " like Pac Man, or Ms. Pac Man, for them to play.
Your party sounds totally trippindicular. Have a great time!
(who still secretly loves the big hair)
Answers: Of course the music. You could also rent (or dig out) some 80's movies to have them playing in the background, like Weird Science, or Breakfast Club (something like that).
If it's an all girls party, they have beauty night. That means scads of glittery makeup, mousse, and hair gell! (Did I mention the mousse?) Have a contest to see which girl can get the best "big hair."
Hit a thrift shop and see if you can come up with some 80's styles...the girls can have fun putting on wild clothes to see who can be the best 80's girl!
And like, oh my God, like you cannot forget, lik ValSpeak, like can you? As if! Like all the girls could be like so way cool, if they like learned to speak ValSpeak! They would be so totally Betty!
Ya, they could like all veg out with some munchies, and listen to some great music....that would be so tubular!
After they've scarfed the munchies, dude, you could like take a video of them lookin all Betty...that would be so classic!
You'd be like havin the best Fiesta ever! Fer sure!
Only problem is once you teach them ValSpeak their parents are going to like go postal! Oh well, they can spaz.
(Can you perhaps tell at this point I grew up in the 80's? ~lol~)
They could also make their own headbands, so they could be really cool.
Of course you should also have a rubiks cube contest...remember how big they were back in the 80's?
If you have a video game machine, you could always buy a "classic, " like Pac Man, or Ms. Pac Man, for them to play.
Your party sounds totally trippindicular. Have a great time!
(who still secretly loves the big hair)
Of course the right play list is important then maybe when you send out the invites have everyone dress up as their favorite person from the 80's Madonna, Cindy Luaper, Cory Haim, Cory Feldman, any big hair bands ...
As far as games something different kinda corny, have break dancing contest and Rubik cube contest
Food:Pizza, Combo's, Hot Pockets, The cheese in a can. Stuff like that
Where do you start!
Music- which has already been mentioned, popular programmes which were a big influence on fashion/our lives at the time eg. the big shoulder pads in Dallas and permed hair, Moonlighting - and the chic Cybil Shepherd etc.
Try Ebay for the outfits and even influences of the time.
Have a great time and hope your daughter has a grt B'day!
Watch Suddenly 30, that movie with Jennifer Garner... she has a party at the start which is lame but so cute and 80s...