How to serve food at a dinner party?!

Question: im having a dinner party and im making a roast pork dinner with roast potatoes and veggies with yorkshire puddings. the only problem is i don't know how to serve the meal? do i leave everyone help themselves to food, or do i serve the food on the plate for them? or does anyone have any other suggestions?

Answers: im having a dinner party and im making a roast pork dinner with roast potatoes and veggies with yorkshire puddings. the only problem is i don't know how to serve the meal? do i leave everyone help themselves to food, or do i serve the food on the plate for them? or does anyone have any other suggestions?

there are a few things you can do

you can present the food as a buffet. place all the food on a side table so that your guests can help themselves

you can plate up all the servings and place it in front of each of your guests

you can have platters of the food in the centre of the table and everybody can help themselves

hope your dinner party is terrific - good luck!

Put the food on plates and then when your guests are sitting down, cut them roast pork and let them help themselves to roast potatoes and veggies.

Anna G is correct. You'll have to see what you have the room to do. If you have a big enough table, you may want to put everything on it and allow guests to make their own plates. This way everyone is seated together and they can take what they like. If you plate it for them, they may not like everything and will feel bad leaving it on their plate.

If no room on table but you do have a large kitchen island or sideboard, buffet style also will work. You just have a lot of people trying to maneuver around each other.

Again, it is all about your preference and what you have room for.

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