What happen if I eat too much beef-jerky?!
Answers: beef-jerky, slim-jim, u know what I mean ;)
you can become dehydrated ( high salt content).
You can also become malnourished. Man cannot live on slim-jims alone, my friend.
Get fat.
You will turn into a giant beef jerky head.
And people will chase you and eat your face off...
Its a horrible life, I should know, as another human-beef jerky sufferer.
= [
You can get constipated. There's a lot of iron in beef. alot of salt too. Not good for your heart. All things in moderation.
you can never get enough beef jerky
if you start getting thirsty eating it , i find that vast quantities of lager help
all the best
Ian :)
You won't be able to stop jerking!
you will be farting all night!