How many pizzas should I order for a party we are having? There will be (5) kids and about (10) adults.?!

Question: Whosevers advice you chose to take- remember... do NOT underestimate the stomachs of children. Or adults. I don't know what kind of party you are having, but if it's the kind that you just serve food and leave it there to get whenever one wants, the best thing to do is to ALWAYS get more than expected, since people won't just be going up one time.

What I personally would get is:

4 slices a person. So, that would make 1 pizza for every 3 people... so a good 5-7 large pizzas.

1 2lt bottle for every 2-3 people. So, a good 5-6 sodas as well.

Like someone above said, its always better to have more than to not have enough. Besides, any leftovers could count as tomorrow nights dinner!

Answers: Whosevers advice you chose to take- remember... do NOT underestimate the stomachs of children. Or adults. I don't know what kind of party you are having, but if it's the kind that you just serve food and leave it there to get whenever one wants, the best thing to do is to ALWAYS get more than expected, since people won't just be going up one time.

What I personally would get is:

4 slices a person. So, that would make 1 pizza for every 3 people... so a good 5-7 large pizzas.

1 2lt bottle for every 2-3 people. So, a good 5-6 sodas as well.

Like someone above said, its always better to have more than to not have enough. Besides, any leftovers could count as tomorrow nights dinner!

7 different kinds of sodas
5/6 pizza

too much better than not enough

Honestly with that many kids and adults I would probably order at least 7 pizzas. I know it sounds like a lot but people seem to eat a lot of pizza, especially if its there. As for 2 liter bottles of soda...I would have to say maybe 5. This is not a science like the pizza! LOL~ good luck!

About 5 pizzas 15 people= 3 pizza slices each! perfect not to fattening not to um skinny-ish! The best of both!

P.S so basically 5 or more
P.S.S My name is Michelle too!
P.S.S.S Where's my pizza!

10 (sounds like a lot but people usually eat 3 or 4 slices)
6 2 liters....

assume 5 slices person and how many slices to a pizza... =)

get 5 bottles of soda and about five pizzas maybe??

6 pizzas

about 2 for the kids and 4 for the adults

6 bottles of drinks too

Rootbeeer/ sprite and dr. pepper for the kids

Bud and Jack for the adults

4 pizza and for adults make some salad or somthin like that and soda....7

12 pizzas
tons of beer (for the adults)

umm..i say kids eat about 2-4 slices of pizza..adults eat 3-5 slices....about 45 slices for adults total and 15 or so slices for kids...u wanna have extra many slices per pizza?..i say a large pizza has 12 slices so 5 large pizzas will do the trcik..order a medium pizza in addtion to just in case...peoplw wont drink more than a liter of soda, so 6-7 bottles of 2 liter sodas

I would say 7 pizzas & 6 2-liters and you'll probably have some leftovers. If you don't mind running out, decrease by 1.

Depends on length of time for party, age of children, how many male and female adults. Cake? Ice cream? Veggie platter & dip or salad and dressing?
At home or out somewhere like Chuckie Cheese?
Younger children won't usually eat more than two pieces if that. Figure 1/2 pizza each for adult or teen guys if that's all thats on the menu. Figure 1/4 to 1/3 pizza each for adult female or teen females. If young children are present make sure that at least one pizza is a cheese pizza.
We generally add some wings or BBQ chicken drumsticks, & celery and carrot sticks and dips to our pizza menus.
(Cutting back on carbs)
Have at least half the drinks diet;and at least one diet and one regular drink should not containe caffiene.
Personally I just make Crystal Light Lemonade and Crystal Light Tea as needed. Lots less hassel.
I'd probably buy the 7 drinks listed unless the parties over 3 hours long; then add another couple of drinks.

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