What is tossing salad?!
Answers: My dad says he tosses mums salad but we can't eat it
Tossing salad must be somthing like veg salad, but the thing ur dad said is to make fun of you. One thing U know .... Taking salad is very healthy for health. The salads are in different variety , let me tell some of them.
Tomato cuccumber salad
carrot onion salad
cooked potato salad
Cooked potato & peace salad
Onion tomato salad
butter salad
sugar butter salad
chilli salt & garlic salad
Curd salas
we can have salads in all variety what ever we wish to have, Now I feel like having all the above salads
Oh you can eat it, but I wouldn't suggest it...
mixing it
dude........just dude......
Uhm....If you know what (in sexual terms) "eating out" is, just think of it as "eating out from behind"....Very disgusting stuff
this seems unnecessary to answer
hashahahahaha :) in the bedroom department sonny'
Dad is not talking about salad. I agree with vcort.....but 2pts. anyway !
You Dad is being a little to suggestive if you are to young for him to explain.
u must be 8 years old if you don't know what that means, ur dad is "eatin' that a** up" and making ur mum very happy, at least i hope so for her sake