What is average 4 a kiwi familey to spend on shopping?!

Question: 2 adults one 10 year old 1 cat 1 dog....i think we spend to much my partner dosent ...by the way i did not really no where to post this...

Answers: 2 adults one 10 year old 1 cat 1 dog....i think we spend to much my partner dosent ...by the way i did not really no where to post this...

we have two adults and 1 kid aged 5 and a dog. we would spend around 160 to 230 per week depending on whether or not we have to restock the dog food, and the toiletries, ie wash powder, toilet paper, shampoo razors etc. All those little things add up quickly. We never have an average spending amount it will always fall into that price category somewhere. plus i buy fresh milk and bread and fruit for school lunches again during the week which comes to an extra 20 bucks on top of the grocerys i buy prior!!


like supermarket shopping?
um...my family has: two adults, one 20+ male, 1 gay teenager, one 12y/o girl really into dance. one cat. for a 2 income family + me & my brother's part-time work. we usually spend over $100<NZ> at the supermarket a week, plus around $30 - $50 at the fruit & vege store <it's cheaper to do it this way where we are> it really depends on the TYPE of things you buy and what people NEED...like shampoos, drinks, toilet paper, moisturizers, snack foods....
look for the specials...
we also try for the healthier things cause mum's a bit concerned about her weight & my sister's - who does LOADS of exercise but doesn't seem to get smaller <she's a little on the big side>- low-fat dairy, and we rarely buy soft-drinks & chocolates & ice-cream....
and some of the budget things aren't that bad really.
whatever sum of money you feel comfortable with & can afford is what matters.

i...or say my family spends over $150 every week on just normal grocery shopping. we basically by specials if there's any and if their not over-date (duh)...yeah so that's basically it for me

I think about $100 to $125 a week. I used to spend a lot on groceries, but once I really started planning meals and now I spend almost half! and we pretty much eat the same, we're just not wasting a lot anymore! If you feel you're spending too much, try to cut back, it can't hurt!

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