My mom is having her 40th you know of any good party games?!

Question: Does anyone know of any good party games??

Answers: Does anyone know of any good party games??

A few cool things you can do for the decade parties is have little notes on the tables with things like 'In 1968...' and list presidents, music hits, fashion trends, etc. You can put together a mini quiz about your mom. Have people guess her favorite sayings, her favorite song to dance to, year she graduated high school, and give out small prizes to the winners.

Have some of your mom's friends tell a few funny stories and present her with a small memento that could remind her of that time. Make sure they're GOOD friends of your mom's one's who know what she would find funny and know where to draw the line.

The link below had some good ideas organized by theme so you can browse through them and pick out something that's suited to your family's interests.

look for celebrities close to forty or over like reese witherspoon, courtney cox, and find out when there birthdays are and ask the guests if they are younger or older than your momwhoever gets them all right give them a prize

the best thing to do is to give a speech...hug and kiss her and tell her all the best things that a woman can hear so taht she will be very happy... good luck

uno,monoply,pin the tail on the donkey,deal or no deal,apples to apples,scrabble,and scattergories.

a game that will show how well do your family know your mom..
know her fave songs and play it..
fave foods..
fave colors..etc.

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